This course is delivered by our commercially experienced approved and qualified instructor, not just approved by IOSH as a training provider and instructor but approved by a number of UK awarding organisations.
Our aim is to ensure the course content, and the topics covered over the three days of training are tailored to the attendees' work operations. This ensures the attendees can return to work and implement realistic skills and knowledge that will make positive safety change for the business.
We truly believe that good health and safety management results in financial improvements and ensures sustainability. This industry recognised and globally respected course helps attendees to fully understand their roles and responsibilities and clarifies sometimes misunderstood legal requirements. Attendees can often go back to their employer with suggestions on possible risk assessment improvements.
IOSH allows us to add relevant attendee-specific details into the basic course content to make this training as effective as possible.
We can deliver the course for one organisation with around 12 attendees (a few less or more may also be fine) or co-ordinate convenient venues for individuals or smaller groups of workers to attend.
This seven module course is aimed at providing managers, or those in roles of responsibility, with the opportunity to learn more about safety management or develop their existing skills and knowledge around health and safety management.
We can deliver 5 sector specific / tailored courses - forestry / timber harvesting - arboriculture - mainstreem and utility - landscaping.
and usually deliver courses at intervals throughout the year, to a range of regular clients.
Our course is recognised by FISA for their forestry works manager continual profesional development inisiative.
We deliver courses which include industry related information, and operational standards around the standard IOSH criteria / syllabus.
The recommended standard course duration is 4 days however due to the number we have deliverd we have stream lined the course to 3 days. Each can be delivered in one block event or split over several separate sessions if that's more convenient, the choice is yours and we aim to fit with whichever method is most convenient to your workloads.
There is an invigilated end of course 30 question test paper and a risk assessment project. We recommend the risk assessment is completed at the end of the training, which ensures each attendee has a good understanding of the subjects covered.
Employers can be assured that successful attendees can assist them in the day to day management of their specific safety systems and processes.
We divide the total course costs (course registration, workbooks, exam admin, certification, instructor travel and accommodation fees)
between the number of attendees on the course, so the more people attending = less individual cost. We usually take up to 12 attendees per course as this gives a good ratio and keeps the cost per
person low.
As a guide only, the average total course cost per person is around £350 (including vat).
We also offer a follow on support option after the training, to ensure attendees make the most of their skills and knowledge if required.
We are pleased to offer the FISA and industry recognised IOSH Managing Safely 3 day course which we regularly deliver at venues throughout Scotland and England.
This is a well-recognised and highly regarded course, which can be made more employer or industry specific with the addition of relevant topics and information.
The training can be completed in one block of training over 3 days, or it can be split into smaller blocks, completed over a number of weeks, if that is more convenient and fits better with your work load.
We are happy to discuss the details and options so just give Martin a call on 07901514259.