Martin Lennon Arboricultural & Forestry Support Services 07901 514259
                                   Martin Lennon              Arboricultural & Forestry Support Services                                   07901 514259

Specialised Sector Specific Development Training supported by the AA UAG

This course can be delivered independently or can now be accredited (certificated) by LANTRA

All competent managers and employers know:


That effective team supervision and control reduces accidents. It ensures every individual is productive and work equipment lasts longer, and that customers and clients consistently get the quality services they deserve on every job. All this means short term and long term business profitability.


Supervisors with softer skills, like appropriate communication and error correction abilities, armed with knowledge of the most up to date industry good practice and a proactive mindset to maintain effective and efficient operations, bring the benefits of productivity, safety and quality and make sure that they are immediate and sustainable.


Your good name and reputation rests on your team's on site presence and appearance.

Research has shown customers often change suppliers due to poor customer service issues.


Finding this softer skill training for our industry sectors is difficult, which is why we have created a course that can help employers ensure their team leaders / supervisors have the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities to manage work operations on site on a day to day basis.


A large number of incidents and accidents are the result of poor supervision and on site management. Operators may be trained to undertake work using the current industry recognised "off the shelf" training and assessment awards and certificates. However these competencies are only the starting point to demonstrate an individual's basic practical abilities rather than true competence.


The arb and forestry industry does not have awards or competencies specifically related to supervisory work skills. Some employers or clients have specified construction related SSSTS training which is not wholly appropriate.  Our sector-specific development training aims to correct this gap. 
The aims of this development program are:
To develop individuals so they can efficiently supervise and help employers to manage work operations on site. 
This is through learning how to:- 
           Develop their softer skills and abilities which include how to communicate effectively
           Identify and correct inappropriate or incorrect actions
           Understand the need for appropriate corrective actions relevant to the individual and the severity of the behaviour
           Understand the most appropriate times and methods to correct such actions
           Refresh or provide clarification on the individual's existing knowledge of operational specific industry and HSE agreed 
           good practice standards
We have found from many years of experience delivering this training, that by implementing these principles the attendees can and do enhance safety and increase productivity.
This has been evidenced through:-
          Reduced unexpected down time
          Reducing costs related to site or equipment damage
Customer service and assurance is also enhanced as the operations are clearly seen to be consistently completed to a high quality.


Planning stage
Topics and industry sector (rail, highway, electrical, forestry, waterways, horticulture, landscaping etc) are selected based on areas of operational activities to be supervised by the individuals. 


First knowledge and skills development session
An introductory day, covering the relevant details and specific links between equipment and operational good practice and current UK legislation, client and customer / contract specific requirements. A part indoor and part operational activities demonstration.

Giving attendees an in-depth understanding of why operations must follow the organisation's agreed standards and how to maintain quality and safety along with profitability and environmental requirements. This also includes how to put behavioural safety, communication and error correction good practice into practical work planning, control, and management.

Each individual's performance is evaluated and reported to their line manager following the event so their employer can monitor and support internally where required. This monitoring can be provided through Arb & Forestry if required / that is preferred.   

Individuals then then put into practice their knowledge and skills during their normal work operations over 1 to 3 weeks and record development. 
Second knowledge and skills development 

A continuation of the first session but moving into more detail around the skills, knowledge and practical application elements. This is usually completed on live work sites.


Individual performance is recorded and reported to their line manager following the event for internal monitoring and support if preferred.

Individuals practice during normal work operations over 1 to 3 weeks and record development. Timescale agreed based on individuals' ability. Site risk assessments, site inspection reports are submitted and reviewed. This can be via submission and remote review or witnessed (shadowing and coaching) site visits.
 knowledge and skills development session
Continuation of the second session however with smaller groups. Completed on live work sites and the individuals lead the sessions with witnessed / shadowing and coaching as required.
If appropriate the individual appraisal / assessment of individual ability can be undertaken during this event. If successful, only refresher training is recommended and this is through the same process of witnessed site visits.



It should be understood that individuals will need to demonstrate their skills and knowledge to a high standard to be successful. Not all attendees (who may already be experienced supervisors) may have the personal ability to successfully complete this assessment. All attendees must be prepared to undertake personal development outwith this formal training and as part of their normal work.
This is just a basic overview of the course so if you wish to discuss this further or need more detail please give Martin a call 07901514259 or email via the contacts page.

The course overview document for the above training. This is further tailored to the attendees work e.g. utility arb - mainstream arb - forestry.
Supervisor Development training.pdf
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© Martin Lennon Arboricultural & Forestry Support Services 07901 514 259